Saturday, November 6, 2010


this i show you all of the name tag that i have since i be in college.

soo many...

first, this is college orientation (ospek red.) name tag, with "fresh photo" of baldy me.

this is college orientation name tag too. the small one, we use the name tags, both.

and here is outbound name tag, we did outbound at Bogor a month ago.

and this name tag i use everyday at college before i wear pdh (pakaian dinas harian red.), it means until penyematan.

and heeree is the official one, use it with pdh, can't wait to use it!! veeryy fancyyy.

and here some name tags for ekskul selections.

this is for PASSUS (pasukan khusus red.) i've tried my max for this selection. but seems like it's not the best for me, i am not passed.

and this is for marching band. what a shamee -___- pink color,

that's all for name tag, (maybe if i don't forget)
see yaaa


Unknown said...

wow, you study meteorologi? that sounds urmmm, difficult! u must be a smart boy!

and please!!! don't be ashamed to wear pink!!! pink is the nu color for boys. hehe


enu said...

hey thank you sooo much!
i am one of your blog fan!
yeah, i don't judge pink, but i just prefer something like, gray?
yeah! when i be senior later, i'll ask my junior wear gray! haha
how difficult to find gray-colored paper, right? *evil grin*