Monday, February 7, 2011

Play with Canon Picture Style

this taken by Canon EOS 550D D-SRL camera. using some picture styles made by Kevin Wang. so, no need photoshop for editting! all sharp from camera!

standard picture style, in this, we could say it "original"

with fine skin Kevin Wang picture style
use it if you expecting very bright color.

this is the movie one,

and this is "leica"
sorry, in this case the difference is not found significantly, maybe would great in other condition.

if you wish the original copy of picture style from Kevin Wang, you can buy it here for $5/copy, despite of you can found it some for free hahaha from or you can e-mail me for the copy! but i know free is illegal yet not complete as from the legal website.
p.s.: he share 3 picture styles for free @ his website!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Robinet Wonders

ooh fvck! shoot me, again!

shop this fancies @ Robinet and if you are girl, want some flat, check his sister, Wondershoe.
happy shopping! spend money! hahahahah i'm serious guys, this is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G yet affordable since lot of distro sell it style much more expensive.
sadly, i got a financial issue mean can't afford it. :'(

Saturday, February 5, 2011


ooh god, my credit balance.... >.<
seems like all of the clothes and shoes of my dream is just left to be dreamed.
got problem on financial issue...
okay, no problem lah. InsyaAlloh there will be way to save hahaha

ZARA hoods

ooh this kills me! really match what i want! leather and hoodie, perfect!

wish i could afford it


would you mind to help me? :)

which is better? sorry for really not important post