Monday, December 27, 2010

numero uno that i want

don't speak up too much.
let see the pic first:

an EOS 1000D D-SRL camera by Canon

this is the kit package.

i know this is an entry level DSRL camera, yes, perfect for me now. yet, i am not a professional one, but i hope so later...amiin ya Rabb...
why i choose this camera? this all because budget factor (of course), and compared with other entry level dsrl camera, i.e. Nikon D3000, this is more standard, almost have all of the option that i want, maybe some people said that Nikon much way better, but i'm considering about the sensor issue, (Canon: CMOS, energy and funcion efficiency, Nikon: CCD, powerfull, yet have battery drain & damaged issue), Nikon lacks of live view, and the investment for future to upgrading lenses.
this is according to mine, no offense at all.
overall, this camera is perfectly fit for me :D
i hope my money that i save every month would be enough for buying this stuff, at least before i come back to pontianak xD
maybe i can borrow some money from my super brother first...hehehehe
i know he is always kind to me, right bother?? :">

see you... ^^

Sunday, December 26, 2010

ooh well

now i'ts just a small post, this about the reason why i got this sick?
this sick, totally suck. lots of people out there said that, my sick is because i'm missing my family.
kinda homesick? majority true! i'm sooo missing them. hope that i can come back to my hometown soon. very soon. maybe tomorrow is a big deal. but this kinda impossible.
it's hurts knowing they're laughing and talking each other with their relative, then i just laying here on my bed, sicking of this sick.
but all i have to do is waiting, and studying so hard, in case that i could come back home after finishing college, or when the first semester holiday at least.
for the GOD sake, i really miss my family. :'( and my friends of course.

Friday, December 24, 2010

in my birthday

well, i don't know what should i write now.
for some reason, my birthday now is just a flat one.
my mom sent me some money, (i ask for it, hehe)
that's because my credit balance gets drained.
oh god, i don't know so, think that i already hold my self to not using money too much.
okay, that problem fixed, my super mom solving that problem. (big thanks, :*)
but i still sad somehow that i'm not coming back home this christmas and new year,
although i'm not celebrating christmas. missing my family so bad. :(
and my brother coming back home, that's just a thing that i don't want to talk about (sooo envy)
when i woke up this morning, my last night fever getting worst.
and my telomsel flash isn't working, finally i bought this xl card for internet -.-
in the afternoon, i got some little surprise from my classmate, some water gets poured on me, yeah, birthday thing, do not they think about my sickness??
but, i am still happy somehow, that means they still remember my birthday and with little celebrating my birthday.
and finally my biggest wish for my birthday is coming back to my super hometown pontianak...
amiiin ya Rabb, think that everything will be so great if i go back..
and very last thing, sorry of my english. have no time to find a good structure, my head gets dizzy when i write it.